Hello G2Ex Community!
This release is an edit of SFCRRPG gamemode. What's new here? A lots of new commands with new features and some minor/major bug fixes. I don't care about replies which consists messages like "Why don't you just make your own one and release it?" or some other shit. Since SFCRRPG gamemode was released. The script is being developed from VERSION 2.1. I started modifying it from December, 2013. My last edit to this was on 25/02/2014. I didn't touch the script till today. 

You might ask this question; Did you get the original author's permission to re-distribute this?

If you want to use this script or re-distribute it, i would really like to be in the credits. So, let that be the agreement between me and you, using the script. Anyhow, here are the credits that are given:
Retrieved from this topic.

Available Classes - Civilian
- Rapist
- Kidnapper
- Car Jacker
- Drug Dealer
- Weapon Dealer
- Hitman
- Thief
- Terrorist

Available Factions - Latest
- Cop (Needs 50 score to spawn)
- FBI/Swat (Needs 250 score to spawn)
- Army (Status needs to be given by an admin)
- CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) (Status needs to be given by an admin)
- Gang-Z (Latest Faction) (Status needs to be given by an admin)

What's new in the Gang-Z faction? It has an ability to do everything which can be done by a rapist/kidnapper/thief/terrorist. You can rob the stores, blow cars or buildings, rape or kidnap people.

VIP Levels & Commands
I have also made a custom VIP system. It has got 3 levels. Though, It has got only a few commands.
They are:
Level 1 - /vcmds /vhealme /varmourme /vgod /vcar /vbike
Level 2 - /vheal /varmour /vspec /vspecoff (Including Level 1 Commands)
Level 3 - /vannounce (Including Level 1 and 2 Commands)

Admin Levels & Commands
The admin levels are the same ( Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 1337 )
I can just show you all the commands which is placed for Level 1337. I'm too lazy to screenshot them and upload them all :/

There were not many admin commands in Stevo's version. You also had to put some Admin filterscripts for server managing. But, I have scripted most of the commands both for in-game and for IRC aswell. 
I have made a total of 70-75 admin commands in-game and a total of 76 IRC commands. So, it's easy to maintain the players! You might also ask what's the point in this release. The point is it has some minor bug fixes such as robbery cp bugs, kidnap and detain bugs, bank cash transfer bug, and some typos. I don't remember everything (handshake). I have also divided the /adban into two types, /accban and /adipban. Same goes for IRC too.

The script changelog is also available inside the pawn file. I'll post the changelog here also!

          CHANGELOG v2.1
  -  Created a new faction called GangZ.
  -  It has an ability to perform actions like kidnap, rape, blow cars/buildings
     Not only that, Even rob people. So, This can be an indeed faction.
  -  Removed Manual Engine System.
  -  Changed the running style.
  -  Fixed some bugs with /kidnap and /detain.
  -  Added /rcommands to see the regular player commands.

          CHANGELOG v2.2
  -  New command for regular players. ( /fr - Force rules on a player )
  -  Shows the player's IP on IRC Admin channel when a player connects.
  -  Added Admin Commands. ( /adcountdown (or) /count - Makes a countdown )
  -  Admin Command. ( /aclear or /acc - Clear the main chat )
  -  Admin Command. ( /sethp - Set Player's Health Value and
                     /setarm - Set Player's Armour Value. )
  -  Admin Command. ( /awanted - Sets a Player's wanted level and
       /admin - Talks as an administrator. Example : [ADMINISTRATOR]: Your text )
       CHANGELOG v2.3 ( Next is Version : 3 )
  -  Added VIP Commands and Levels.
   -  Admin Command. ( /adcar - Spawns an admin car (Infernus) and
         /adbike - Spawns an admin bike (NRG-500) ).
         Remember, It an admin spawned vehicle but any civilian can drive those vehicles.
  -  Made /lockserver - Locks the server with a password and
     Made /unlockserver - Unlocks the server.
  -  Admin Command. ( /adforce - Forces a player into class selection )
  -  Admin Command. ( /adisarm - Disarm's a player. )
  ---------------------------------Date : 21/12/2013------------------------------

         CHANGELOG v3.0
  -  Now, when you're /adban~ning someone, He wont be IP banned. His account will only be banned.
  -  VIP Command. ( /vnitro - Add's Nitro to their Vehicle )
  -  Admin Feature. ( A Label will appear on the top of your head when you're on admin mode (/adon). )
     It will be hidden when you've came out of admin mode (/adoff).
  -  VIP Command. ( /vgoto - Teleport's to a player )
  -  Fixed a minor bug with /vspec and /vspecoff.
  -  Made /vgod as toggleable. ( Example : You'll be on God mode when you're using /vgod, Also, You'll be
     taken out of the god mode when you execute /vgod again. )
  -  Removed Anti-Spam due to some minor problems. ( Since, When a server is lagging, you always get "Do not spam on blabla" )
     Now you wont face them even if your server is lagging.

---------------------------------Date : 07/01/2013------------------------------

         CHANGELOG v3.1
  -  Changed the way of robbing. There wont be any dialog's for robbing anymore.
  -  Fixed a bug with robbing Jizzy's.
  -  Added IRC Commands. ( 30+ )
  -  Regular Player Command. ( /fpc - Force's player color on other player )
  -  Regular Player Command. ( /rcc - Clear's the main chat )
  -  Fixed a minor bug with /dropoff. Now, It'll dropoff the player correctly.
  -  Before, The server was restarting for several times, Now, It wont restart anymore.
  -  Admin Command(s). ( /setrobskill - Set a player's rob skill. and
         /settlevel - Set a player's terrorist skill level. )

---------------------------------Date : 30/01/2013------------------------------
         CHANGELOG v3.2
        -  Admin Command. ( /irckick - Kick an IRC User while being in-game )
  -  Player Command. ( /ipm - Sends PM to an particular IRC User )
  -  Dialog for Bans. ( When you're banned, you'll see who banned you in a dialog and
         on how to get an unban.)
  -  IRC Command. ( !info - Gets a player's whole userfile. [ADMIN CHANNEL] )
  -  IRC Command. ( Divided !ban into 2, !ban - Bans account.
        !ipban - Bans IP + Account)
  -  IRC Command. ( Divided !nameban into !oaccban - Ban Player's Account. (OFFLINE)
            !oipban - Ban Player's Account + IP (OFFLINE).
  -  Admin Command. ( /adsetscore - Sets a player's score)
  -  Admin Command. ( /adsetname - Sets a player's name.)
  -  IRC Command. ( !setrobskill - Sets a player's rob skill and
        !settlevel - Sets a player's terrorism level.)
---------------------------------Date : 11/02/2014------------------------------
         CHANGELOG v3.3 ( Starting after 1 month )
  -  Admin Command. ( /stopduel - Stop a duel )
  -  Player Command. ( /leaveduel - Leaves a duel )
  -  VIP Command. ( /vhug - Hugs a player ) and ( /vkiss - Kisses a player )
  -  Command Divided. ( Divided /adban into /accban - ACCOUNT BAN and /adipban - IP BAN )
  -  Admin Feature. ( When you're on /adon mode, your skin will be changed to 217.
       if you do /adoff, your skin will be set to 230.)
  -  Updated /rules, /updates. Rules will look colourful now :b
  -  VIP Command. ( /vchat - VIP Chat ) and ( /vip - Talk as VIP. Ex : [VIP MEMBER] NAME(ID) : MESSAGE )
  -  Admin Command. ( /adslap - Slaps a player )
  -  Admin Command. ( /setskin - Sets a player's skin )
  -  Renamed /inventory to /backpack and /bp.
  -  Admin Command. ( /respawncars - The command says everything )
  -  IRC Command. ( !forums - Echo's the web url, !favo - Echo's the server ip )
     ^ Available for users and admins.
  -  Admin Command. ( /blockcommands - Block a player from using commands and
       /unblockcommands - Unblocks a player from using commands (Allows a player to use if blocked )
I'm leaving SA:MP in the next few days, So I thought of re-releasing this script. The script will be updated once if I get some free time to open my laptop. 

The credits are given to everyone which helped me & and this script possible!
DracoBlue - dcmd & dudb
Stevo127 - Original Author of this gamemode
biker122(me) - For modifying and upgrading it
and these

- CRRPG {Site: www.crrpg.co.uk}
- For enspiring me to make some of the skills/classes in this script.
- Y-Less for sscanf.
- Cuerv0 for the roadblocks script.
- Creator of xObjects.
- BM[UK] for the checkpoint streamer.
Some pictures:

I don't care about people which posts non-sense replies such as "What's the use in it if you steal someones work?","Why don't you make your own one and release it?","Did you ask Stevo127's permission?" and such things like this. I already told you,

If you want to use this script or re-distribute it, i would really like to be in the credits. So, let that be the agreement between me and you

I hope you'll enjoy the gamemode.

3 komentar:

  1. hi I am gonna sell Xsf build 44 if any have interest tell me here is my discord id https://discord.gg/V92KFHA

  2. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009245085407 here is my fb id

  3. Xsf build 44 gamemode on the sell contact me https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009245085407

